Do Christian Colleges and Universities Have "High Moral Standards"

I know there is a wide gamut of institutions of higher learning which call themselves Christian. Some, however, advertise themselves more forcefully as places where Christianity is very important and lead parents/students to think pious rules are followed. Alcohol and premarital sex, for example, are not tolerated it is implied.

What could be better examples of such places than ones started by big time TV preachers. Regent University (Pat Robertson) and Liberty University (Jerry Falwell) are good examples. Liberty is now pointed to as a moral failure. Jerry Falwell Jr., as we all know, was finally removed as President after it was revealed he had kinky sex parties and drank too much. There is an alleged rape that Liberty tried stomp out of the news. Some years back I knew a couple of gay men who had meant at Liberty and told of the underground gay community there. They said it was a fun and exciting place for gay men.

Decades ago I remember a letter to Ann Landers from a young woman who said she was a student at a conservative Christain university. She said there was so much sex among couples she felt pressured and worried she would lose her boyfriend. 

I remember listening to a Christian radio station while driving somewhere. The guest were deans of students at a few Christian universities. The topic was what to do when a female student became pregnant. One dean after another said that, of course, the student was expelled for violating the morale code of their holy college. But one disagreed. He said at his college the student stays in school and is given support by the administration. He went on to explain that if a pregnant student is expelled her next stop may well be an abortion clinic. This because probably she cannot be pregnant and be welcomed home by her parents. Wise man was he.

If I was a devout Christian and wanted my child to follow in the faith I don't think I would send him/her to a Christian college that bragged about how it followed the faith. It might be even counterproductive. College aged students today poll far short of majority in following any Christian faith. Better would be to send family members to a university where they learn to navigate in the secular world that is coming.  


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