If the Resurrection did Not Happen, How Could Millions Believe It Did Happen

I've heard countless sermons about "witnesses" who saw Jesus after he was dead. If any of these preachers wanted to be accurate, they would have said, "Those who wrote the Bible reported there were witnesses." 

No one who wrote any part of the Bible claimed they saw Jesus. Also, as someone on an atheist site wrote recently, in court testimony those who claimed they saw him would have been challenged, cross examined. Questions would have been asked, "Had you ever seen Jesus before? How many times?" "How far away from him were you when you saw him before? How far away from him were you when you saw him after he was dead?" etc. Of course, it was impossible to cross examine anyone who claimed to have seen the resurrected Jesus because, so far as we know, no one saw him. That is, there was no one to cross examine. 

Still, we are left with millions of people believing the resurrection happened. If it did not happen how could so many believe it did?

Today, we have a perfect example. Millions of people believe the 2020 Presidential election was fraudulent. They believe this because thousands of people, not mere hundreds as in the resurrection, sent emails to the Trump campaign saying they saw fraud on election day. These claims, reenforced by Trump himself, left us with millions today believing the entire election was fraudulent. That is, millions believe something happened which did not happen.

It is easy to understand why people would believe Trump won the election. People believe it because they want it to be true. Conversely, they do not want to believe Biden won the election fair and square.  Wanting to believe opened the door to a successful nationwide sale of a lie.

Today, when a preacher stands in front of his/her congregation and tells the resurrection tale, he/she wants to believe it is a historically verified event. Those sitting in the pews want to believe it as well. The stage is set to keep alive fiction just as it is when Trump repeats the election was stolen from him.

What about resurrection and Trump skeptics? Don't they also want to believe what they believe? They are not making a claim of a super natural event or a claim unsupported by evidence. 

The resurrection and the stolen election are the same thing. People are gullible. They are manipulated because they want to be manipulated.


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