How Important are Religious Views of Supreme Court Judges

Some liberal people in Congress have asked pointed questions about the religious views of potential Federal Court appointees. They are roundly criticized for asking these questions by conservatives. There is a need, however, to try to get into the heads of these candidates. Their religious views are not as important as whether they know the difference between reality and religious fantasy. I'm not a legal scholar but I like it where the link points out our laws should be based on reality. To base them on dead people coming back to life or one fertilized cell is a human being is foreign to a modern country. We might expect that dreams and visions were mixed up with reality in the middle ages but there should be enough rationality in the head of a potential Supreme Court nominee to see that dreams or invisible gods are not reality. I've heard that the current Trump nominee facies herself as a second Justice Scalia. In 2013 Justice Scalia was asked by a journalist if he believed ...