Southern Baptists Change Their Name

For some years now I've read there was a move afoot to change the name of the Southern Baptist Convention to something without the word "southern" in it. Advocates did not want the largest Protestant denomination to appear regional when it log ago spread around the world. I've noticed its churches around where I've lived do not list the name Southern Baptist Convention in any prominent place. The denomination was ground zero for slavery and segregation. Smart to drop the name. But, what name should they use?

They are trying use Great Commission Baptists. I was not interested enough in the denomination to read where that name came from. What promoters meant to say with the name I'm sure is "Genuine Baptists," "The Real Baptists," "Important Baptists" or "The True Baptists."

Southern Baptists have been losing numbers at the rate of 10% per year for several years. This appears a little higher than the rate of decline in Christianity generally but all numbers are approximate. 

If one asked a million Americans, "What is the worst thing this country ever did?" I'm guessing the majority would answer, "Approve slavery." If not the worst it ranks very near the top. That the Southern Baptist Convention was squarely behind slavery and later segregation puts it in a box that is hard to escape. Can changing the name cause all memory to be erased?

Current events show why Christianity has an uphill climb to keep its members. The biggest press stories these days are about witless preachers who insist on having church and then find it spread the virus. Red faced men rail about the injustice of rules passed to keep the disease from spreading. The message is, "We're going to keep preachin', prayin', and singin' even if it means you're going to die." This sounds crack pot even to a child. Sure enough, children are leaving the faith.

The best name Southern Baptists could call themselves is "We're Sorry."


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