Christian Celebrity Arrested for "Pro Life Counseling" in Front of a Clinic
One thing pro life crazies could do that would make them more popular with the public is to quit approaching women patients at women's clinics. Some women go to the clinics for their regular health appointments while some go there for abortion appointments. In either case, Bible thumpers need not shout their prayers at them.
In the link story, a Christian You-Tube celebrity took his children to the clinic to bother patients. Police were enforcing the 10 person gathering limit in the city and arrested him. He is, predictably, whining about what happened to him. Police considered the protestors a "non essential" activity. I would call that an under statement.
Some religious people feel they cannot be part of the faith without doing in-your-face things. That includes holding church services where disease often spreads or protesting at abortion clinics. I've heard there are people who consider Elvis a god. Maybe they will exercise their rights and hold disease-generating gatherings to worship the "King." Would Christians see Elvis worshippers as "essential" in the same way they see themselves? And, what about Satan worshippers?
It is often said by Christians that, "prayer changes everything" and that the faithful should "pray for change." Our country would be better if anti abortion crazies would pray in their churches to end abortion and leave other law abiding citizens alone the have abortions or whatever else they need to do to in their lives. I hope the Christian celebrity booked at the Police Station will improve his behavior.
Back in ancient times various crude techniques were known to end pregnancies. Pregnancies then as now often needed to be ended in order there be enough food in the family to go around. I think there is no doubt for the majority of human history there have been abortions. Protesters against abortions would have been stoned to death in some places.
In our society protestors against abortions are given the key to chaos. They complain about black people engaging in protests. Their own views are more important.
more stupidity. but how often must one point that out? seventy times seven? that aside, since you broached the subject, let's comment on your reference to BLM and their leftist "allies". I remember that you have whined several times re the pro-life demonstrations at your residence in Fargo. (and I agreed that they shouldn't have done that). But back to BLM, etc. protesting,, often violently, at the residences of folks they don't like seems to have become standard fare for the aggrieved left. why no comments on that? double standard, maybe? and while we are at it, how many pro-lifers have been pillaging or burning of late?
ReplyDeleteUnknown "double standard maybe?"
DeleteYes, on your part. You said protestors should not have been at my house. You have no said protests at abortion clinics were wrong. And, you have not commented on Jesus unlawfully dumping the tables of the money changers nor his use of a whip. Let's talk more about a double standard.
what the hell has that got to do with anything. are you trying to equate peaceful protests at abortion clinics with burning, looting and pillaging by the cultural Marxists and their hoodlum friends? rots of ruck with that one.
DeleteUnknown -- "are you trying to equate peaceful protests at the abortion clinics with burning, looting and pillaging by the cultural Marxists..."
ReplyDeletePerhaps you have forgotten. In Fargo protestors glued themselves to doors, physically blocked side walks and the street. At least a couple of police officers had to take medical leaves. Oh yeah, they were peaceful all right. Twice the clinic was set on fire--put out both times. Some doctors murdered by anti abortion zealots. From your perspective those doing the violence were "good people."
if they in fact did what you say they did (not sure that I trust you not to sand the truth), I do not approve. and how many docs murdered by pro-life people. one that I know of. how many people injured or shot by today's rioters?
Deletein my view, any protester or group of protesters who block a public roadway ought to be charged with a felony. there are many places to protest w/o endangering the lives (think emergency vehicles) or the livelihood of others.
DeleteUnknown -- "charged with a felony."
DeleteI agree with that. In our lifetimes how many waves of protests have their been? Vietnam War, Watts, abortion and so on. To me they are best left to local people to work out. Making them into a national political issue like is now being done I don't agree with.
news flash: a pro-Trump suburban Minnesota couple's house was set afire today by an unknown assailant. fortunately, the couple, their two children and four puppies escaped w/o injury but the house was badly damaged. authorities think that the arsonist may well have been someone influenced by Antifa. probably only trying to make a "statement".