The Christian Right Cannot Stand Vivek

My wife taught Sociology for decades and sometimes would come home amused at the moral values and attitudes her students revealed. One was from a classroom exercise she did. She would draw three big circles on the black board. She asked students to list in one all the favorable traits a student should have to be likeable, popular and accepted. Another circle was for traits that were less favorable but not deal breakers. A third circle was for taboos, traits the shunned a student to outside accepted circles. Students would enthusiastically make suggestions for the good traits, maybe one or so to the mild less desirable circle. After a while, professor would say, "What about this one? Should it go in circle three?" She would dramatically write the word, "GAY." Most students back then would vote for circle three. Some would say nothing. Of course, today the exercise would go much differently. One place the circle exercise would still work is in today's Christian r...