Is There any Religion-Based Exemption the Sumpreme Court Will Deny

As the Supreme Court says yes to cases after case in which someone wants to be exempted from a law because of some religious belief, both liberal and conservative observers must be wondering where it will draw the line. When will it say, "Yes this violates your religion, No, you are not exempt from the law." As the link notes, an Amish group was exempted from a law requiring treatment of water used for dishes and bathing. What will happen when a request comes for exemption from raw sewage?

To someone outside religion, it is impossible to understand how this Court, or any Court, can sort through requests from the religious for exemptions from laws and decide which merit exemption and which do not. To me, all requests are arbitrary products of the human brain, imaginary gods and rules of these imaginary gods to be followed. If judges grant one exemption how can they then turn down any other?

It is possible, I suppose, for judges to reason just like some church goers and their preachers. It is, "I know my god and my religion is the real one. Others are fakes and need to go." Using this logic, Catholics should do well because a majority of the Supreme Court judges are Catholics. Thankfully, some of the Catholic judges rule against the Catholic Bureaucracy's dogmatic political postures.

My prediction is that during the next three to five years the old issues of racial and religious prejudice will find their way to the Supreme Court. We will see people who run motels refuse mixed racial couples, unmarried couples, men sharing rooms, etc. We will hear, "My religion forbids me from offering services to couples who are living in sin." Then it will be restaurants not serving meals, check out clerks in grocery stores and whatever else comes along. Turning down service to those one looks down on is to exercise "religious liberty."

A few decades back, courts might have required a voted on statement by a denomination to verify that some religious belief had been vetted and voted on by some church body. That has been replaced by "sincerely held belief" which leaves the barn door open.

I know full well that predicting such political events is not possible. As Ronald Reagan once said, "Politics is a thing were the unexpected often happens. One or more judges might swing to a different direction or their might be a replacement on the court. 

But for now, the question of whether there exist grounds to turn down requests for exemptions to laws on the basis of religious liberty exist in the minds of conservative judges.


  1. Let’s say an atheist woman sincerely believes she has ultimate control of her menstrual cycle including decisions to restore menstruation by terminating a pregnancy. Is there a chance she can successfully petition the Supreme Court to exempt her from being persecuted or prosecuted for acting on her sincerely held beliefs? Nah. I guess they figure only religious folks, particularly Christians, have the proper sincerely held beliefs. This SCOTUS is proselytizing from the bench, systematically shaping the law into a New Testament state religion. Some say they are laying the legal foundation for an autocratic tyrant to assume full control. The stench is in the air.

  2. Ardy B "The SCOTUS is proselytizing from the bench...Some say laying the groundwork for an autocratic tyrant to assume full control. The stench is in the air."

    Stench is right. Trump says he will expand the Presidental powers if elected. Vivek Ramaswamy is a Republican running for President. He says he also will expand the powers of the President. He has no use for gays or abortion. He is rising a little in some state polls. Trump has said Ramaswamy may be his VP.
    Trump and some in Congress tried to overturn the 2020 election. Look for him, or some other Republican who is their nominee, try to do that again in 2024. Just this week the head of the National Republican Party would not say the 2024 election was legitimate. Trying to overrule elections they don't like seems to be a permanent part of the right's program.

    1. Gore demanded his election loss was stolen by hanging chads.

      Hillary demanded that we all believe Trump cheated her out of being President.

      The left loses and they demand the SCOTUS increase in size so they can force their irreligious views down everyone's throats

    2. Whiners, suck it up. Gore and Hillary claim they were cheated.

      JFK's son played in his Oval office desk. Hunter loses his white bag at the White House. Felonies everywhere a Biden steps but no one saw anything. Joke is on the American people. Meanwhile, Congress is patrolled by zombies like Fetterman and Feinstein. The joke is on us.

  3. Matt--Clinton and Gore conceded to their opponents.


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