So Called "Secular Arguments" Against Abortion are Not Working

A passionate anti-abortion publicist recently admitted the "secular" arguments made against abortion are not working. Many of these so called "secular arguments" have been run up the flag but never amounted to much. A few years ago there were highway signs which read "babies have finger prints at six weeks." Another said a "baby" recognized its mothers voice at a few weeks. There was "feeling pain" and others. The current game is "DNA." These have not and will not be game changers the link author says. 

The link author hates legal suicide assistance as much as abortion. But she admits it is gaining support. She thinks legal suicide opens the door to legal abortion. Opposing legal suicide assistance will not stop its march for public approval--that is my guess. 

I think legal suicide is gaining support because people are living longer. As they live longer they are contracting the diseases of aging that are so miserable it makes suicide something some consider. There are apparently growing numbers who conclude it is possible to weigh the consequences of suicide versus continued misery and make rational decisions. The link sites legal assisted suicide in Canada as one of the top ten causes of death. 

The link author does not mention "do not resuscitate" orders many of us have on file with our family or doctors. I don't understand how "do not resuscitate" is different than assisted suicide. My guess is the majority of "right to life" zealots have orders on file not to resuscitate. This is spite of the Bible passage used to oppose abortion, Genesis 1:27, Genesis 9:15 and Exodus 21:14 used by the link author. There are others she did not use for some reason, Jeremiah 1:5 (I knew you in the womb, etc.). All of these bits of scripture are at odds with do not resuscitate. 

It could be said a do not resuscitate order is filed by the person affected. There are, however, thousands of decisions made every day by doctors and family members about pulling off life support from people. "He would have wanted the plug pulled" is usually the reason. But this is not the decision at that time of the person who will soon be dead. In neither case, pulling the plug or aborting the fetus, is the person or the bit of flesh asked to make the decision. In both cases the decision is made by others.

Secular arguments against abortion have failed. Religious arguments will fail because different religions have different views. It all comes down to someone's opinion. To each his/her own.


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