One in Four Women Will Have an Abortion in Her Lifetime

There are things forced-birth advocates really hate. One is that abortion is quite common and that many women you know may have had one or two and have not told others. Force-birth crazies do not like women telling others the story of their abortions.

Story telling is something to be closely regulated in force-birth circles. The story most liked is the one of someone who worked in an abortion clinic, found Jesus and now gets fees at anti-abortion rallies. It of a story repeated over and over. This even though it represents a meniscal percentage of women who worked at clinics.

The story they do not want told are ones like the pregnant ten-year old raped by her father who had to leave her state to get an abortion. Forced-birth wanted, well, a forced birth. When a doctor talked about the case they charged the doctor with revealing too much about the patient. The story about forcing birth on a ten year old girl is one they did not want told. In fact, a whole group of stories involving rape and incest are unacceptable.

Forced-birth does not like stories about women with several children facing unmanageable financial burdens by having another child. This kind of event is supposed to be "managed" by abstinence. The stereotype of a woman who wants and abortion is supposed to be that of a promiscuous woman. Stories about Catholic women getting abortions are bad stories also.

I think stories about women who received abortions will be more popular in the future and will help abortion rights politically. This is because there is more focus on emotion in the news media than ever. Tears and emotion has always sold papers and TV advertising but the competition for such stories seems more intense that ever. In my own observation, nine days out of ten my local newspaper runs a story about emotions on the front page. The closeup of the face of a worried or grieving person is a staple of TV. Stories about women having to travel to get abortions are understandable by the public. 

It seems to me the male priest carrying on about the sin of abortion does not have as much appeal as the women facing the personal obstacles caused by an unwanted pregnancy. Kudos to the women and doctors who tell the personal stories of their practice or abortion experience. Forced-birth will try to stop you--go forward and face them down.


  1. Pro-life laws work -

    10,000 more babies are ALIVE!

    1. “Pro-life laws work - 10,000 more babies are ALIVE!”

      There is much more to promoting life than increasing newborn head count by legally short-circuiting the reproductive decisions of women. Man.

      How is it a “warrior for life” can pit life against life - in someone else’s body - and claim a Pro-life medal of honor? Silly.

    2. Ardy B--"There is much more to promoting life than increasing newborn head count.."

      Thanks for pointing out the omission in Matt's brag. The attached points out maternity deaths in Texas are increasing at an alarming rate. The largest increase in deaths is among women of color. Deaths are occurring at a rate of 29.8 per 100,000. To add the staff and facilities to give proper care to pregnant women might cost millions of dollars. No such money is in the pipeline. Women's lives are of no interest to forced birth zealots.

    3. 10,000 more who were not cut up or vacuumed away in their mother's womb. Praise God!

      Pro-choice is a lie. Pro-death is the best description.

    4. BTW, the woman's decision is made when she engaged in the sex act, rape and incest not withstanding. Or do you think woman are too stupid that they don't know where babies come from?

    5. Death can happen in childbirth but death always happens in abortion.

      Life is not fair.

      Abstinence works.

      Argue like an adult or people will think you to are stupid or childish.

    6. Matt--"Death can happen in childbirth...."

      Thanks for making my point and the point of millions of people who support women. Births cause deaths. Abortions save lives.

      I'd also suggest you argue like and adult of people will think you are stupid and childish.

    7. If abortion wasn't killing a human being then why have an abortion. Abortion always kills at least one child and sometimes the mother.

      Childbirth is the only way the species lives on. Duh. SMH.

      When you grasp basic facts, stop denying basic biology and care about women and children, you might be considered a positive influence on society.

    8. Matt--Your motto is, always distort. Only certain religious views regard the fetus as a "human being." Deaths associated with abortions are far less common than death in childbirth. It is safer to have an abortion than to risk death in childbirth. I providing well known facts here.

    9. You wouldn't know a fact if it wasn't declared so by the Democrat Party, the ACLU, or Bart Ehrman.

      Think for yourself.

    10. BTW, if you practice abstinence, your risk of dying while not pregnant, from childbirth or abortion is zero.

    11. Matt--"BTW, if you practice abstinence, your risk of dying while not pregnant, from childbirth or abortion is zero."

      Gosh, you are a little late with your helpful information. You should have told that to the pregnant 10 year old girl who was raped by her father. She had to leave her Godly state of Ohio and go to baby killing Indiana to get an abortion. If you have great information like that share it with 10 year old girls.

    12. Always argue the fringe cases. Besides, I already stated rape and incest were 2 exceptions to the woman or girl's decision to have sex.

      Births as a result of rape or incest have surprising endings when birth occurs. But in your fantasy world, good cannot happen in such cases.

      Read about Ludwig van Beethoven.

    13. Matt--"Always argue the fringe cases."

      The 10 year old who was pregnant because her father raped her is not important because it is a "fringe case." That's why people are frightened of anti-abortion zealots. Deep down, they do not care about what happens to women.

  2. Kill 1,000,000 people - gir

    ls and boys - instead of consider the fringe case separately. That's how much 1,000,000 people mean to your side.

    Even in the difficult cases there are lives at stake. You dismiss those lives like Joe Biden dismisses unwanted grandchildren.

    You don't have a moral leg to stand on.

    1. Matt -- "gir"

      I did get it right. You forced birth crazies could solve the problem of thousands of 10 year old and 10-14 year olds who get pregnant by rape or by a personality in their lives who dominates them. You could solve it be simply adovacation permission to health officials like doctors to perform abortions. But you do not. You do not because you do not care.


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