Want Your Religious Ideas Put into Government? You May be Sorry

Anti abortionists and anti gays branches of Christianity are always pushing to have their ideas about religion put into laws. They want laws banning abortion and gay marriage, two ideas which originate in religion. They never seen to consider the consequences of inviting government into religion. It's as if they are telling themselves, "We are so holy. It's good for us to use government against our enemies. They will never have the opportunity to use government against us." Good luck with that. Christians in Scotland are so mad . The government is paying for a campaign against ideas held by many branches of Christianity. These Christians would have been better off just bragging about their own mighty moral standards and leaving everyone else to decide on theirs. The government is sponsoring ads addressed to people who are prejudiced against ethnic minorities, atheists and gays. The ads tell such people Scotland is a country that does not endorse prejudice. The...