A World Wide Traffic Jam is Coming

Thirty years ago The New Yorker pushed an article entitled "The End of Nature." It was based on  interviews with scientists who were convinced the earth was warming and humans were the main cause. We would, they said, experience large flooding, extreme climates and large areas now populated would become uninhabitable.

Since then we have had political wars culminating in President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord. But, the events predicted 30 years ago and reconfirmed in later studies, floods, extreme weather and more uninhabitable areas, have happened almost exactly as predicted. Except it is happening faster. While the climate has warmed in the past, it has never warmed this rapidly. The difference is carbon emissions.

Just now we are seeing California's Malibu become uninhabitable. I've read there are insurance companies that will no longer insure buildings there. Each year 24,000 people leave Vietnam's Mekong Delta because sea water ruins crops. The State of Louisiana is planning to move thousands inland from the Gulf.

Areas predicted to become uninhabitable because of extreme heat are parts of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the North China Plain, about 1.5 billion people. This is a fifth of the world's population. I don't see how the West, including the U.S., can stop a billion people from crossing borders.

Long ago, Exxon had the money and expertise to study the efforts of carbon on climate. In about 1978 memos circulated in the company correctly predicting the dire effects carbon emissions. This, of course, was gloomy news to oil executives. By 1988 a memo from the Public Relations department said the company should "emphasize the uncertainty" of climate change. This even though apparently there was not uncertainty inside Exxon's science wing.

It is not accurate to say there is uncertainty in the larger scientific community. But Exxon's clever public relations effort has locked uncertainty into the minds of the public.

Religion, the anti-abortion branch, loves Exxon's uncertainty gambit. Man-made cause of chaos and mass migration comes back to too many humans. The solutions are birth control and abortion.

I predict that the link of carbon emissions on climate change will grow in other places first and then move into the U.S. The abandonment of the Christian religion has followed this path.

Hopefully, a carbon emissions sober up will follow.


  1. Scientists continue to confirm authenticity of events recorded in The Bible. Scientific findings confirm the Biblical account of Sodom is accurate... https://www.breakingisraelnews.com/117449/scientists-confirm-sodom-gomorrah/?utm_source=Israel365&utm_campaign=2fe0c50419-BIN_morning_11_18&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_bb2894f273-2fe0c50419-45974865&mc_cid=2fe0c50419&mc_eid=72231eb078

  2. Troy : "Scientific findings confirm the Biblical account of Sodom is accurate.." No they don't. I have a request. Please do not fill this space up with sites such the one you sited. It labels itself as "Latest News; Biblical Perspective." It does not present evidence "the Biblical account of Sodom is accurate." It discusses what might have been a meteorite explosion in the area. It says they have unearthed evidence from 120 settlements that appeared to have existed in the area. So far as I know there has never been a discovery establishing the towns of Sodom or Gomorah are there or ever existed. It was amusing to read on the site also the futile attempts of those digs trying to find even a tiny bit of evidence of the Exodus. They have not found a thing definitively linking activity of the area to the Exodus. The government of Israel has funded research for decades and come up empty.

  3. I shouldn't weigh in on this. I am not a Biblical archeologist. not even close. With apologies, then, why wouldn't towns have existed in this area and why couldn't they have been wiped out by an exploding meteorite. keep in mind that a similar explosion occurred about 50,000 years ago at Meteor Crater in the Ariz desert. no debris in the crater, just a big hole caused by expanding gasses. seems to me that you are overly determined to summarily dismiss any story, Biblical or otherwise, that doesn't comport with your worldview.

    1. I think you misunderstood. There were towns in the area. There apparently was some meteor event that damaged them. There was many towns in many places on the globe and a few meteor strikes. But, were there towns call Sodom and Gomorrah. We have no archaeological evidence they existed. There is only the story in the Bible. If you want to believe they existed because it says in the Bible they existed go ahead. Also, if you choose, believe Lots wife turned into a pillar of salt when she looked at two towns which probably did not exist.

  4. Unknown who wrote that temperatures are falling, please provide a source of this.

    1. BTW, I hope that the story about cooling during the last two years doesn't turn out to be fake news. could be, but I don't think so. came out of NASA but I don't know where I read it. generally I just note articles of this sort but don't record chapter and verse.

  5. The study that came out a couple of days ago debunked whatever you claim to have read. Right out of the Trump Administration itself is a dire warning about the developing problems. I'd advise you to look at it.

  6. FYI. Investor's Business Daily 16 May 2018: NASA data show that global temperatures dropped 0.56C between Feb 1016 and Feb 2018. Look it up. they have quite a bit of info regarding climate change. Now it's your turn: where did you get your carbon-nitrogen story?

    1. Does you screen show a word in blue? Click on that and it will take you to a long New Yorker Article. That article sites a lot of statistics about global warming.

  7. negative. but I can simply search for New Yorker. climate change.


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