What Religion Best Fits the Technological Age
I was surprised to read that one religion is the fastest growing among non Christian religions in some small Nordic countries. It does, however, fit our computer centered lives today. The religion is updated versions of Paganism.
Most people in the U.S. think of Paganism as something long dead--maybe something in the "Museums of Religions." We know the Bible treats it as an arch enemy from days of the Roman Empire. Yet, Paganism has fit the needs of humans longer than has Christianity.
All religions are products of the culture where they are found. Christianity came along when much of the public was looking for something better than the Roman Empire and the Pagan faiths which were associated with it. Roman rulers, in turn, thought it would be smart to partner with a one god religion instead of those that had several gods. A dictator had trouble convincing people he himself is a deity if there were 50 gods to pal around with. With one god a dictator can slip over into being the god's BFF (Best Friend Forever).
Today's Paganism takes many forms as it always has. People find like minded worshipers on line, they start discussing and soon they are worshiping some new spiritual being.
To me, Christianity has always had qualities of a many god religion like Paganism. The Protestant camp splits and splits again looking for that perfect alignment with the god world. Catholics divide up behinds various saints. There are many different preoccupations each one taking up resources. Who needs a new god if we are preoccupied with some sin or moral issue that jumps in front of the old god. Gay marriage, for example, was so important many left denominations and formed new ones.
With Paganism, there might be an actual god representing each of the preoccupations Christians now pursue under one god. Technology gives us many choices, even a variety of gods.
Most people in the U.S. think of Paganism as something long dead--maybe something in the "Museums of Religions." We know the Bible treats it as an arch enemy from days of the Roman Empire. Yet, Paganism has fit the needs of humans longer than has Christianity.
All religions are products of the culture where they are found. Christianity came along when much of the public was looking for something better than the Roman Empire and the Pagan faiths which were associated with it. Roman rulers, in turn, thought it would be smart to partner with a one god religion instead of those that had several gods. A dictator had trouble convincing people he himself is a deity if there were 50 gods to pal around with. With one god a dictator can slip over into being the god's BFF (Best Friend Forever).
Today's Paganism takes many forms as it always has. People find like minded worshipers on line, they start discussing and soon they are worshiping some new spiritual being.
To me, Christianity has always had qualities of a many god religion like Paganism. The Protestant camp splits and splits again looking for that perfect alignment with the god world. Catholics divide up behinds various saints. There are many different preoccupations each one taking up resources. Who needs a new god if we are preoccupied with some sin or moral issue that jumps in front of the old god. Gay marriage, for example, was so important many left denominations and formed new ones.
With Paganism, there might be an actual god representing each of the preoccupations Christians now pursue under one god. Technology gives us many choices, even a variety of gods.
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