Was the Universe Fine Tuned to Support Humans
Is the universe functioning in a way that will forever support humans or are humans a fortunate accident? If we knew the answer we might know more about the future of humans.
It would not matter whether there was a "designer" of the universe or not. In the Bible it says humans rule everything. I would paraphrase this as humans can do whatever they want and the earth will not be harmed.
If this were actually true the earth should be designed so that humans could exploit earth's air and water with no harmful consequences. That is to say, the earth would clean up or self clean after humans polluted the environment. This must have been somewhat true when there were only a few humans and their waste was composted in land and water. Today, tons of plastic are in our oceans and air and water are under pressure.
Certainly, the earth has done well to support humans. But there is still no reason to think humans are important to the earth.
Humans continue to think they are important because, for whatever reason, they have fragile egos.
It would not matter whether there was a "designer" of the universe or not. In the Bible it says humans rule everything. I would paraphrase this as humans can do whatever they want and the earth will not be harmed.
If this were actually true the earth should be designed so that humans could exploit earth's air and water with no harmful consequences. That is to say, the earth would clean up or self clean after humans polluted the environment. This must have been somewhat true when there were only a few humans and their waste was composted in land and water. Today, tons of plastic are in our oceans and air and water are under pressure.
Certainly, the earth has done well to support humans. But there is still no reason to think humans are important to the earth.
Humans continue to think they are important because, for whatever reason, they have fragile egos.
Went to Skrive but couldn't log in. anyway I don't need the bother of setting up an account there. so will continue to comment here as long as it is possible to do so. Your post of course, raises some very, very challenging issues. Ever heard of anthropic coincidence, the notion that the universe is incredibly "fine tuned" in favor of the emergence and sustaining of life. I suggest that you go on line and read up a bit on this fascinating scientific issue. The ID folks, predictably, find evidence of a creator. The atheists, equally predictably, explain the matter as just another chance happening, albeit an extremely improbable happening. In any event, I think, that you would find anthropic coincidence to be a real brain buster, something more "meaty" than Bible bashing and pro-life bashing. Try it, you might like it.