New Theories: Eventually the Origin of Life Will be Figured Out

Sometime, millions of years ago, something happened that changed earth from a place made up of rocks to a place where a form of life appeared. There was no god or supernature thingy involved. We don't know precisely how it happened, we only know for certain it did happen.

For decades, scientists studying this have known that wherever the first life happened there had to be a lot of the element phosphorous. I don't understand this but, apparently, it is widely agreed upon. The problem of figuring out where and why there was phosphorous continued because in today's bodies of liquid there isn't enough present.

A new theory is now being discussed. It is that life could have started near a volcano or near several volcanoes. Volcanoes spew out a lot of phosphorous and a lot of heat that could accelerate chemical reactions that would not happen otherwise. It is known there were many more volcanos on earth back millions of years ago.  

The scientists working on this hasten to say we are not yet ready to conduct experiments to replicate forming of life in this way. They are not claiming life formed in this way, only that the source of the missing elements are now considered to have been found. What happened millions of years ago needs to be approached with skepticism and caution they say.

Conservative Christians claim no human was present to observe evolution. They conclude humans were created and did not evolve from other animals. Science points to evolution occurring right now in plain sight. That being the case it is reasonable to conclude humans most likely came to exist by evolution. 

Christians should now worry that experiments creating a form of life from heat, electricity like that in lightening and the lifeless raw materials are not successful. If they are successful this will become the dominate explanation and will replace that in the Bible and in every other religion.


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