The Coming Data Driven Church

There are firms selling churches software intended to put every member online and church services tailored to people who have busy and complicated lives. The focus seems to be connection through the computer screen and not with a church building and a traditional church service. 

The pitch of the link in that there are millions of lonely people who need interaction with others and a sense of "community." The assumption presented is that a community formed around religion is better than a community centered around any other interest.

While I don't understand this software apparently it provides something different from a "streamed" or video recorded church service. It goes without saying that church services will change to accommodate this new way of doing church. I can imagine services that move along faster. The long pause while someone makes their way to the podium to speak will be eliminated. Long draggy hymns may be victims. 

No reader needs to be reminded of changes that have always taken place and that are taking place in real time. In the little rural community where I grew up there was once no town. Then a town formed and grew. Then shopping malls and grain transportation changed and the town declined. Now the malls are empty because the stuff we buy is delivered. Why wouldn't change affect churches and the industry called religion. From what we know religion has changed constantly over all of human history. That churches are becoming obsolete should not be a surprise. 

It will be entertaining to see how Christianity changes as it becomes something practiced on computer screens. There is a Bible with says something like church is "whenever two or more are gathered." I can envision new Bible rephrasing that verse to read that church is "whenever two or more are on line." 


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