That the Bible Did Not Actually Put Women in Second Place Upsets Things
In recent centuries, men have done language interpretation and surmised what are the lessons in the Bible. The result is a men-centric religion with women not leading but supporting male leaders. That this scheme is hog wash was pointed out at least one hundred years ago. I think if all women everywhere had demanded this game stop it would have stopped. But they did not all resist and today are ordered about by men.
One of the most revolting notions in the Bible is that Eve was created from one of Adam's ribs. The link states there is no word for "rib" in the Old Testament's original language. The Bible did not actually say she was created from his rib.
Many scholars challenge that the originators of the faith held up men as superior in intellect. Plenty of denominations claim God meant for men to interpret scripture. Men have exploited their superior position for their own power and money.
Maybe we need a national debate to determine once and for all whether men, including priests, should have a superior position in interpreting the faith. If the debate finds, as it will, that men are no better than women in the duties of clergy, including determining what scripture means, we can end the ruse that men should carry out the duties of the clergy.
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