Some Preachers Still Advise: Preach the Carrot and Stick
It's amusing to read about preachers who believe that the old fake threat versus fake reward will work. This one acknowledges most preachers have abandoned this old ruse. But the link says threatening people will bring them to cower in the preacher's power. According to the Bible, Jesus used the carrot and stick. He is quoted as saying the end would come in his lifetime. But, of course, it didn't. Early on those selling the faith cut back on the threats because the end never came as predicted. Still, the link preacher feels the fake threat of hell and the fake offer of rising to a heaven with Jesus will sell.
I realize it's risky to underestimate the fear of hell and the appeal of some divine place. Many religions have done this since prehistory and do it today. If you asked all church goers today what would happen if it was found there is no hell after death my guess is a majority would say the population would go sin crazy.
Even though the majority of Christians today may believe this, it is not necessarily a good idea to hammer on it every Sunday. Time is not the friend of Christian ideas. Christianity's popularity began to slip in the 1970's and has continued. Out at the margins of the faith are adult skeptics. Among the young, skeptics make up a large majority. The carrot and stick line will cause the faith to decline year after year.
One part of the Christian faith aliens with skeptics, the liberal wing. I've always thought the liberal wing would have staying power because it aliens with those called "nones." There is not strong evidence I am right about this. The only thing that seems predictable is a decline in numbers when the preaching is carrot and stick.
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