Italian Gay Men Now Welcomed as Priests

The dramatic turnaround for gay men in the Catholic Church has arrived without much fanfare. The Pope has approved out gay men as candidates to the priesthood in Italy. They, like their heterosexual colleagues, are to remain celibate. 

We have to remember Italy is the location of the Vatican itself. The Pope has complained in the past about what he calls "The Gay Lobby." He never explained what he meant. It may very well have been gay men in the Vatican or employees who live nearby but work in the Vatican, i.e. locals. 

If you were in the Pope's shoes, how would you handle the argument that straight men profess celibacy and are priests but gay men who profess celibacy are not allowed? This is identical to saying white men can be priests but black men cannot. Even if you think gay sex is sin there is no reason to discriminate against those men who do not sin. The Catholic faith has impaled itself on its own sword.

In 2005 a Vatican document said men who have deep seated homosexual tendencies cannot be priests. This, of course, remains in effect but "what it means" is still not clear. 

Countless times on this blog commenters who don't like the blog have claimed the reason priests have committed child sexual abuse is because they are gay. Get rid of gay priests, they have said, and the problem of child sexual abuse will exist no more. This foolish notion is contrary to known experience and data. Gay people are no more prone to child abuse than straight people. Possibly, data suggests, they are less prone. The only conclusion one can make is that those opposed to gay priests don't like gay people.

Those Cardinals who want the next Pope to reverse the small, enlightened changes made during the time of Francis are right to be concerned. He is slowing moving the denomination toward more modern views and appointing Bishops and Cardinals who will keeping things moving during the next Pope's time.


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