Conservatives Pray for a Pope that Does Not Doubt

While the link is by a Catholic who fancies himself as an intellectual, it's sentiments are repeated every Sunday in countless sermons in Protestant churches. The message is, "We cannot have a Christain faith, Catholic or Protestant with naysayers, doubters or skeptics." In other words, the faith cannot survive questions raised by critical thinking.

One thing working against a religion, any fundamentalist version of any religion, is, in my opinion, the cell phone. About 20 years ago my wife's graduate student arranged a visit with world leader, Mohamed Eunos, in his office. He envisioned cell phones would swamp the world and bring a level of literacy never before experienced. At the time cell phones were expensive and there was not coverage like we have today. I think we could say Eunos' prediction was correct. Cell phones bring not only learning and reading to more people they bring information by video. Isolating people from information, as some religious leaders demand, will no longer work.

The current Pope, I believe, understands this at least to some extent. It's taken a while for me to grasp that the "institution of the church" is more important to the Pople and lots of clergy than the truth. Perhaps from the Pope's perspective, there are beliefs held by the faithful that are not true that can be separated into those which threaten the church because they are not acceptable and those which have to be held onto because without them the faithful will leave. For example, shunning divorced and remarried Catholics is something many in the church support enthusiastically but the view is so whacko it threatens the "institution" and had to be sidelined. But the existence of a "Satan" is equally whacko, or more so, but is held so universally across the denomination and outside of it the "institution" is better off by preaching it exists. 

This Pope, then, is strategic about some issues and sees doubt about the benefits of some to the "institution." Those who pray the next Pope refuses to doubt the conventional wisdom beliefs of this Pope is willing to take the denomination down a rabbit hole. They don't care as much that the "institution" survives


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