A Secretary of Defense Who Sings, "Onward Christian Soldiers"
For myself, the next great political theater will not be more of Donald Trump's buying Greenland. Instead it will be the new secretary of defense pledging to invade liberal Greenland to bring Jesus to its citizens. Why pay money to own Greenland when Jesus wants you to just take it? Apparently God does not like women to be soldiers in combat so he is against that.
Republicans have a history of religious whackos holding big positions. One was the Secretary of the Interior James Watt under Reagan. I met him when he spoke at an event in Fargo. I remember his speech because it was weird. Instead of staying on the topic of the vast amounts of land managed by Interior, Watt's mind was on his just completed trip home to little Lusk, Wyoming. His voice got shaky went he tried to describe the feeling of being in his home church looking at the U.S. flag standing beside the Christian flag. That was huge to him.
James Watt didn't last long, however. The Department of Interior is in charge of some huge ceremonies like holiday events at the Capital. Interior staff hired the Beach Boys for a big event. Close to the time of the ceremony Watt learned of the Beach Boys. I can't remember why but Watt found the Beach Boys to be sinful and cancelled them. None other than Nancy Reagan criticized Watt, "I like the Beach Boys," Quickly the Beach Boys were back and the show went on. Shortly after that Watt was back in Wyoming.
Then there was Republican Attorney General John Ashcroft. He did not like the nude statues in the Department's press room. He had them covered up. About three years later they were uncovered.
President W. Bush said he prayed several times a day. In one of the prayers he learned from God that Sadam had "weapons of mass destruction" and we invaded. They never existed but I'm sure W. Bush still believes whatever he hears in prayers.
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