King Charles' Message: All Major Faiths Have Good in Them
The King's belief all major faiths have much in common and his long standing concern about the environment is causing a ruckus. Conservative Christians posted on a Christian site that King Charles, head of the Church of England, does not understand Christianity.
It seems to me the King, like the Pope, realizes the public is not very interested in theology and certainly not interested in a wrestling match about which branch is "right." Members of the public, if they have any interest in Christianity at all, want to believe it is a general force for good and are sick of self serving pompous blowhards.
Many of us would say the King's generalization about "good" in Christianity and in other faiths is an inaccurate generalization. Nevertheless, taking down a notch the arrogance of some parts of Christianity is a good first step.
History and pre history tell us many of the belief and rituals of various religions were passed down from far distant humans. This is something all faiths share, even if today they are vastly different. In that sense the King is right.
A sign of the times, times that are changing religion, can be seen in these friendly overtures across religious lines by these two heads of denominations, the King and the Pope. Maybe some positive change will come about.
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