Do You See Churches as Unsafe Spaces
I'm not sure that statistically, churches are unsafe places. However, they are marketed as places where people can go to find "answers" and "peace." Because they market themselves in this way it is a headline story when clergy sexually abuse children or when a crazed gun owner shoots people in a church.
I have not heard of a church with a metal detector. In fact, many churches allow members to carry guns into church. There are overnight field trips with youth and pastors and priests. All of this is raising questions even within the religious community about the safety of churches.
A pattern that one can see in some pedophiles is efforts the find circumstances where they can abuse children. I would guess positions in churches working with young people offer opportunity. Certainly, the problem is not limited to churches, but churches are perhaps less supervised than some other institutions.
On the Christian site, Chrisian Post, there are several new stories each week about male preachers and sex. In the six times a year publication from Freedom from Religion there are about 75 new cases of clergy and sex or theft. There are thousands of churches so it might be unfair to say the "industry" has a lot of this.
What is fair, however, is to question the claim that Christianity is a wonderful source of high moral standards.
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