What Does Trump's Election Mean for the Totality of Christianity

Trump's election has been heralded by right-wing Christians. Christians outside that circle are wondering what it means for them. Many Christian groups are focused intensely on helping to settle refugees from other countries. Lutheran Social Services comes to mind. Leaders wonder if all the success they had in the past will be devoured by forced deportation. It doesn't seem like Trump has the legal power to deport law abiding people, citizens of not. 

Any change in border policy needs the cooperation with Mexico. That will be something to watch. Christian groups helping at the border must be wondering what will happen there.

I think it is only a matter of time before some religious group is successful at the Supreme Court level in claiming abortion is a religious right. No Forced Birth can claim anti abortion has always been opposed by their branch of Christianity, even Catholic. Certainly, most Protestant branches, including Southern Baptist, were for abortion rights in the 1950's and 1960's. Thus, just because a new branch of the faith comes along and believes abortion is advocated in the Bible and in their denomination is not an airtight case.

One thing is certain, Trump will not be saying the only legitimate Christian view is Forced Birth. Will he ever say giving birth is a dangerous event? Even though statistics show that it is, Forced Birth operatives never admit it.

Trump was burned by keeping his promise to appoint Forced Birth judges. While he won the election, the overturn of Roe caused him discomfort. I don't think he will be anxious to walk the plank for Christianity again.


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