Vatican's Church Police will Ticket "Spiritual Abuse"
It is hard to imagine something more ridiculous than a group of men who made up history or doctored it to suit themselves would now be prowling the streets and churches to find and prosecute others doing the same thing. That is the news from the Vatican, a group has been named to stop "spiritual abuse."
The entire Christian faith is filled with false history, ridiculous predictions and invisible beings watching and condemning people. The church preaches invisible beings are real and their rules are above question. Why would such a group then believe it had credentials to condemn others making up their own histories, futures and invisible beings?
There are countries in the world which are not considered religious. There have been periods in the U.S., the last half of the 1800's and early 1900's when records show there was a lot of skepticism of Christianity and interest in secularism. The secular countries today are doing just fine and the U.S. in its secular period was fine as well. The Vatican, however, feels the need to be on the watch for both an interest in secularism and interests in other gods and versions of the present God.
According to news reports, the Vatican has less money to spend than in former periods. Raises are not being given and some positions are not being filled. Yet, the most peculiar things are still important enough for expensive staff to spend time on.
Protestant websites are and always have been filled with writers and videos "correcting" the versions of Christianity advocated by others. The Catholic version is different only in its centralized control.
My advice is for everyone to believe whatever they want to believe. Just don't use government to force the rest of us to conform to your version of religion.
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