Several Trump Cabinet Nominees are From Florida
Much discussion in the press is about the number of Trump appointees who are from Florida. Is there a pattern of political views we can attribute to Florida? It's hard to do this, according to a political pundit. Florida is the complex mishmash of political views.
If you thought, as I did, that California, with its San Francisco, is the gay capitol of the U. S. you would be wrong. Florida has the most residences filed with same sex couples. It also has some law against gay teachers.
Florida has a whacko Governor but almost reached the 60% approval for a liberal abortion bill. The margin of approval was 58%. Florida is a state with abortions rights politics. It is inevitable this strong majority will prevail in some way at some time in the future but that is not the case today.
As readers know, Florida has the large number of descendants of Cubans who escaped Castro. The past generation of these descendants has been Republican. Future generations of this group are yet to be determined.
Florida is among the top 10 states in agricultural production. The ag. part of the state is in the north while the beaches, condos and dense populations are in the south. It is often said the differences in those two parts of the state are large.
It's possible, of course, there is nothing significant about many appointees being from Florida. In the past Trump term cabinet members held positions for only short periods of time. They either quit or were thrown under the bus. As disappointed as many of us were about Trump's election one has to admit the next years of political theater will be entertaining.
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