Methodists in Africa Want to Hate Gays but Keep U.S. Money Flowing
Methodists in Africa number about one million. Their official position is no gays. The main branch of Methodists in the U.S. is ready to accept gay members and gay pastors. The Africans say they are leaving the denomination. U.S. Methodists say their subsidies to the Africans will end. Now some in the U.S. are saying, "That's mean."
Let's go back to the times of slavery and later segregation. Would it make sense for the Quakers, who were on the forefront of equality of the races, to send money to the Southern Baptists who were using the Bible to justify their cruelty? That's what critics of the United Methodists in U.S. are saying when they insist United Methodists should support demonization of gays present in the Methodists in Africa.
I wonder how much money going to Methodists in Africa is going to pay preachers instead of providing food or housing for ordinary people? There are Christian preachers in Africa who have become very wealthy. I don't know if any of them are Methodists--just saying the game of wealth is on there.
Critics of the U.S. United Methodists are saying it is "cruel." It seems to me the group that is cruel is the Methodist Church in Aftrica.
I don't really understand the "need" for money sent from the U.S. to Methodist churches in Africa. It is claimed the membership there is one million strong. Might is be churches there can afford inexpensive buildings and volunteer preachers and church staff? In general, my conclusion is there are strange things going on there.
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