Oklahoma Schools Directed to "Teach the Bible." They Aren't

The Superintendent of Public Schools in the State of Oklahoma issued a directive a while back that all public schools will have Bibles for students to read and all schools will "Teach the Bible." A survey of school in Oklahoma this week as they were about to open did not locate any Bibles or lesson plans to teach the Bible. Satan is winning there.

The State Superintendent, Ryan Walters, is fighting, not only with local school administrators, but with his own Republican Party. Some Party leaders say he is secretive and "rogue." One state education leader said he know of no school district in the state that has, or is even trying, to implement Walter's whacko edict. There are a few teachers who would like to do what he wants but they say they don't know how to go about it because there has been no direction.

Walters himself says the edict is self-explanatory, that the Bible is the basis for all knowledge so teachers just need to do what it says.

This edict to "teach the Bible" is another version of "posting the Ten Commandments in every classroom." Posting these peculiar rules, or posting the Constitution which is another fetish that has its day every now and then, has never had an affect on anyone. It is just another expense and uses time better spent elsewhere.

"God and country" are oldies but goodies in conservative politics. If one wants to raise money or get support within the religious right to with it. It will bring out the tissues and you will prosper.


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