National Billboard Company will no Longer Host Cheap Forced Birth Ads
A huge national company has acquired over time thousands of prime locations for billboards. When I was a Mayor one of the first visitors to my office was a local sign company. I was unaware of the many ordinances the city had about billboards. Billboards are very competitive and a large portion of the public does not like them anywhere.
In past decades I have had several experiences with the companies that sell billboard space. First it was renting a sign with a picture of local parents and their gay child. This was unusual at the time it caused quite a stir. Later I was involved with our local atheist group in Fargo, ND, renting a billboard. The atheist group here has also rented signs.
The national company has started turning down Forced Birth signs at the low cost it offers to "educational purposes." It did not give a reason, it does not have to. The Forced Birth organization that rents signs across the U.S. says it will instead find locally owned sign companies. Since it lost its prime sites, however, it admits the volume of calls from the phone number listed on the signs has diminished.
While the Forced Birth organization that rents signs claims it has a steady stream of cases where it has stopped a woman from getting an abortion, this is not what all the calls are about. I would enjoy learning the various categories of calls it receives. In the link it says 40% of the calls are from men. These would have to be from men trying to stop a woman from having an abortion. Why else would a man call such an "800" Forced Birth number?
This 40% of calls from males is revealing about the nature of the entire Forced Birth thing. If I'm correct and it is men seeking to control what pregnant women have done with a pregnancy or intend to do, it makes me wonder how many women will secretly vote for Harris to obtain rights to abortions but lie to their husband or boyfriend about how they voted? There have to be some--I'm guessing many.
The forced birth people speculate in the link as to why the national company has rejected their business. This speculation is that the national company "does not like the pictures of babies," The pictures of cute babies several months old on a billboard chastising abortion gives the message the abortion bills the several months old baby. The ads used have pictures of fetuses. Then they went to babies. This clever trick may have cost them the access they want.
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