What Role Did "Moderate" Christians Play in the Right's Takeover
While liberal leaning Christians and welcoming denominations are better for the country and for Christianity than right wing Christians, they must take some responsibility for our right wing Christian Supreme Court, the Roe overturn and threats against birth control. Probably preachers from the liberal/moderate denominations will criticize the right for its cruel advocacy, the entire Christian faith hold some responsibility for the strength of whacko Christianity.
A good article about this was published by American United for the Separation of Church and State. I have a hard copy but cannot seem to link it. The article illustrates the role of "moderate" Christianity by repeating the prayers of the Senate Chaplain. After the Jan. 6 attack, the Chaplain included in his prayer flowery language asking the Supreme Being to guide the Senate in upholding the Constitution, etc.
The problem with this kind of prayer is it places in the room an imaginary god. It is not, of course, some generic god that might be worshiped in China or India, but the Judeo/Christian god named God. By placing God in the room the forces to rule the room have been let loose.
What so-called moderate Christians seem not to remember is that here is no self-correcting model of Christianity in government. The Bible tells Christians to convert the lost. It does not say, "Don't carry it too far like some of those whacko Christians." Yet, Christians I have known, including some who have posted on this blog, say the only form of Christianity that can survive is their kind, the moderate kind. There is no standby fire hose to cool off overzealous Christians once they gain a foothold.
We can see this in anti abortion. As soon as Roe was overturned a small army of Christians began to scream for a nationwide abortion ban. Turning it over to states was merely language meaning make sure every state bans it.
Moderate Christians need to join with Atheists and other religions to ban all references to religion in government. It is seemingly an impossible task, but the goal is important. The sooner we kick Christianity and every other religion out of government the better off we will all be.
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