Tis the Season
Every December the Christian press is full of articles lamenting the commercialization of Christmas and use of the greeting, "Happy Holidays." It's humorous that some Christians suffer so much about the use of this cheerful greeting.
Now is it June. This is the season for some Christians to complain about Pride Week. There are wall to wall articles "quoting scripture" about abomination and such. These are as funny as the anti "Happy Holidays" complaints.
To begin with, it's obvious that if someone objects to Pride Week there is a good option. Don't celebrate it.
The more interesting way to engage anti-gay people is to ask where in the Bible homosexuality is condemned. Oh yes, there is the man shall not lie with a man as with a woman. Exactly, what did writers mean by that. It does not say a thing about sexual relationships. The same with all the other scriptures used against gay people. They all require the preface, "What this means is..."
It always comes back to the oldest question of all, do humans have a choice about which gender they are attracted to? On top of that question is another, what business of anyone else which gender I am attracted to or what gender you are attracted to. It is of no business to anyone else.
If there were no money attracted by being anti gay there would be no anti gay. Jerry Falwell said the most profitable issue in the history or "The Moral Majority" was one with a male in drag on the cover. Being anti gay is, or has been up to now, a gold mine. Maybe this is finally changing, but not fast enough.
That anti gay is still profitable can be seen on Christian sites. Capitalism is the best friend the Religious Right has. And, the rainbow flag is a gift to the right that keeps on giving--it's the enemy.
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