Scotland is Seeing a Spike in Abortions
So far as I can tell, the increase in abortions is worldwide. Scotland is just one example.
Anti-abortion is like a bucket that had leaks the moment it was made. There are so many ways around a ban any effort is doomed before it starts.
I've come to think the reason anti-abortion is still attempted and fails time after time is that the lies Forced Birth members tell each other bring down all the efforts. The lie is that when abortions have been banned the number actually went to zero.
While there obviously are not good records of illegal abortions, all evidence points to large numbers. Forced Birth operatives argue with me every time I mention there is testimony and hospital records of infections that point to large numbers. It makes Force Birthers feel better to believe what they are doing by trying to pass laws against abortion actually stops some abortions. If numbers went on just as if there were not laws against abortion all their efforts that seem important to them are actually worthless. Their feelings would be hurt. Yet, this lie uses money and effort that could be put to use in some productive way.
What is happening in Scotland reflects what happens most everywhere. When an effort is made to stop or limit abortions there is a lot of publicity about who is getting abortions and where they are getting them. It is like free advertising. There may be other reasons, but there can be no doubt there is more information about where abortions are available when there are efforts to stop them. During Prohibition, illegal alcohol was widely available. Water was drained out of automobile radiators and whiskey poured in. There was lots of auto traffic between Canada, where alcohol was legal, and the U.S. where it was not. Lots of is came across the border by Detroit and was driven to Al Capone's Chicago.
Forced Birth operatives would serve their own cause by learning about the number of abortions that took place before Roe made the legal everywhere. Numbers of abortions, whether in Scotland or the U.S. give us an accurate picture of what women are deciding about their pregnancies.
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