Women are Going to Change This Country
The right wing, especially Forced Birth, has had lots of money to fight gay and abortion rights. It has had more money than liberals until recently. It had the Presidency for four years. It has the Supreme Court. Why doesn't it have the Presidency and big House and Senate majority now?
It comes down to one huge mistake. The right forgot women have the right to vote. As we speak, there are indications the left will continue to take seats in Congress and probably the Presidency. This opportunity for the left would not have opened up if the right had given one ounce of thought to women voters. By taking rights away from women a sleeping giant has awakened. The irony is it was in plain sight since day one.
For centuries, male clergy have talked about the concept of "order" God had in mind when he created the universe. The disorder, or the random selection which explained evolution, was atheist thinking, done by those who would spend eternity in hell. Why would God, an orderly thinker, allow such disorder to reign over development of the universe?
You can almost see the light bulb go on in the brains of men writing stuff that became the Bible. "Order" can be used to put men in a higher position than women must have occurred to them. "If order comes from God, and order says men rule the roost, who we can write the Christian rules which put men in the driver's seat and women back in the trunk."
This worked fine for a long time but why didn't the male leadership understand there is not a reason outside of religion to support it? If religion faded male domination would fade. If religion did not adjust to loss of and the male superiority argument how could it survive?
Another way we can assign "order" to the nature of things is that life is orderly when men and women are equals. No other concept of "order" can stand up to challenge. The old saws I've heard from priests that women have "qualities" to be admired, like their ability to have babies, does not justify that they can be banned from the pulpit. Nor does it mean men can decide whether or not women can have abortions.
It will be a pleasure these coming years to watch clergy retreat and women rule their own health care.
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