Why Are Women Banned from the Pulpit

Banning women from the pulpit is a huge issue. It is no different than banning black people, handicapped or any other category of humans who some group in power decided to toss aside. There are women continuing to work inside the Catholic church and inside other denominations trying to open them up to women clergy. Some denominations, Methodists and a branch or two of Lutherans and Covenant, allow women pastors. To those women and men still toiling inside the Catholic Church who think it is going to change, you are wasting your lives. If male dominated denominations were given these two choices, admit women to the clergy or crash and go out of business, they would choose the latter. In fact, they are in the process of doing just that.  

I read whatever I find about why women in some denominations are banned from the pulpit and why in others they are OK. There are denominations where convention votes approved women. I understand Methodists approved women some voting system. This is how the Covenant Church approved women as preachers. In the Methodist denomination, the bureaucracy assigns pastors to churches. In the Covenant denomination, local churches choose and hire their own preachers. There are many women ready to be Covenant preachers who are not hired because local churches prefer men. 

A Catholic on this comment board explained a few years back that Catholics don't allow women priests because there were no women among the 12 disciples. We don't really know if this is true or not. I saw recently on a pod cast of the Missouri Synod Lutherans they do not allow women preachers because it would be "disorderly." God was orderly in first creating Adam first created Adam and only afterwards created Eve. These reasons for treating women as the lesser of the two genders is whacko. Taking these myths from the Bible and using them to justify power plays by men is the game. Anyone can see it.

Male Southern Baptists have been fighting against women as preachers for years. I tried to learn why. Partly, it seems to be because the idea is "liberal" and that's always bad. There is the section of the book of Timothy where Paul allegedly rails against women as preachers. We don't know if Paul actually wrote this and, if he did, did he mean it to be a faith-wide statement. It's just another male power maneuver.

The prohibition of women preachers is another nail in the coffin of Christianity.


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