New York Diocese is on its Own

A little history of corruption in the Catholic Church. Some years ago, Tim Dolan was the Bishop of Milwaukee. The diocese was hit with a huge bill for damages by molesting priests. Rather than sell off assets to pay the victims for the harm the diocese had inflicted on them, Dolan thought it would be clever to turn the Diocese's assets to a board that still oversees about six Catholic cemeteries. The board had not asked to the money. Eventually, courts saw through the shame and stopped Dolan.

In the meantime, Dolan's clever manipulation reached Pope Benedict. Benedict himself was accused of hiding abuse by priests. Benedict was so pleased with Dolan's tricks he promoted Dolan to the prize diocese in the U.S., New York City. 

The New York diocese, like many others, had a murky history. Former Bishops had received reports of priest who were child molesters but, instead of turning them over to law enforcement, had moved them around hoping they remained hidden. Then the dam broke and victims sued the diocese. 

The NY diocese said, "Oh horrors. We had molesting priests? We had no idea." This was their position against the world wide Chubb insurance company. The company said the diocese knew about the molesters and did not take appropriate action. A few years ago a court ordered Chubb to pay.

Chubb appealed and finally this week an Appelt Court ruled in favor of the company. The NY Diocese is on the hook. Dolan is now its Arch Bishop. What rabbit will he try to pull out of his red hat this time? We can be sure it will be Diocese first, victims last. 


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