Forced Birth Message to Women Who Have an Abortion: "Dig a Hole and Put Her Down"

If you believe Forced Birth is about "babies" you need to realize you are wrong. It is about controlling women. A right-wing religious podcast recently featured a religious leader saying "...put her down." 

An interesting and rather unexpected twist in the explosion of the internet is the ability of whacko pundits to publish their views. The issue of women in the abortion decision was carefully controlled for decades. Both the Catholic and Right-Wing Protestant leaders declared a moratorium on saying the woman was responsible. The accepted version placed full blame on an obscure entity, "the abortion industry." I still see "the abortion industry" used as the villain but in these modern times it is impossible to control what is published. "Dig a hole..." can get the same number of readers as "the abortion industry." 

Those original leaders who thought they could get away with calling the villain "the abortion industry" were certain the public would accept their ridiculous strategy. Anyone can see "the abortion industry" has nothing to do with the decision to have an abortion. The woman has always made the decision. The "she" is now in the catbird seat calling the political outcomes in state after state. Original Forced Birth male leaders were too full of themselves to realize the message that women have rights over their bodies would be a more appealing message than "throw abortion doctors in jail." They did not understand the uncontrollable "dig a hole" people in their own camp would undercut their careful strategy of control. 

I've pointed out before here that Catholic Clergy are responsible for the failure of the Forced Birth political movement. The absurd Catholic position that one fertilized cell is a human being is simply not defensible. Had Rome picked a much later time in the pregnancy and then used some scripture of religious argument and the right-wing Protestant camp bought into it the outcome might have been much better for them. Religion has the ability to turn otherwise sound minds into mush and that is what happened in Forced Birth politics.

We can count on abortion rights groups to exploit the "dig a hole" for their own political advantage. It was handed to them as a gift. They should use it.


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