Can Trump Get Away With Nuance on Abortion
A Forced Birth writer advised Trump to discuss abortion as little as possible but brag he appointed the anti-women Supreme Court majority. The writer thinks this will soften the political damage. It is, of course, what every Forced Birth politician is doing. So far as I can tell, it is not working.
Biden was told early on what I have always thought. It was to come down clearly on one side or the other and ride out the consequences. Otherwise, experience has shown, you lose votes from both sides.
Trump, not the brightest lightbulb on the block, should have interviewed candidates to the Supreme Court personally. He should have looked at candidates until he found those who vowed not to overturn Roe but to talk about overturning Roe. While talking like that they should also have said they were determined to overturn Roe while actually they had no intention of doing so. If he had done that he, and the Republican Party, would be in much better shape today. This "honesty" thing, promising to overturn Roe and actually doing so, is not good for Republicans. A party built on a promise to make government smaller while it remains determined to make government larger cannot tolerate much honesty. The party left "honest Abe" in the dust bin of history long ago.
Because the Republican Party has talked so much about "originalism" and states' rights over the last many decades one would think states' rights was deeply embedded in the party. We now see this was, like overturing Roe, actually the Party's position. Now we see anger in states deciding issues like abortion and gay marriage. The Party's actual position is the Federal Government should decide these issue and not allow states to thumb their noses at Jesus. States' rights is merely a front for something entirely different.
Now that Trump has painted himself into a corner he is trying to fake to the left then to the right and escape. All the exits are blocked.
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