The New Christianity; Faith as Therapy

Much to the chagrin of "The Old Time Religion" groups, Christianity is becoming understood differently than in the past. Since I'm not in the Old Time Religion group, I'm left to paraphrase what it is about. Using author Stephen Prothero , God is not One, Christianity at its core is about SIN. Yes, to some it is about the forgiveness of sin but even this starts with sin. Then there are details like the virgin birth, resurrection, trinity, Mary, etc etc.

While there is writing and commentary on You Tube almost daily by Christians trying to outthink the decline in Christian numbers and influence, few capture what is happening. At least what is happening as it appears to me. Recently there appeared a good summary of how younger people still in the faith see the faith. Even as The Old Time Religion group dies off, there is a chance to celebrate those who carry on. The problem is they have a different, and it is considered alarming, idea of what the faith is about. They do not have a "proper understanding" that the faith is about sin. Instead, the younger emerging view is that the faith is about therapy. It is a "therapeutic faith." The INCORRECT understanding of what the faith was summarized like this:

 What is the purpose of life? To feel peace.

What is sin? The causing of mental or emotional discomfort or pain.

  • What is the world? A dangerous place filled with pain, trauma, and discomfort. You’re seeking a smaller world where you don’t feel those things.
  • What is the attitude toward faith? It can be acceptable when used as a tool for personal peace. Faith is a utilitarian tool, no more.
  • What is the solution to the moral ills of the world? Harm minimalization. Create a place that is safe where harm cannot be done.  

This smaller less intrusive view of Christianity tamps down sin, hell, heaven, forgiveness, resurrection and all the standard features. It replaces them with something that better fits the current culture of skepticism. While Bible thumpers still repeat over and over liberal branches of the faith are failing and conservative branches succeeding that has never looked, to me, as the future. The future seems inevitably the one about therapy. 

Each person who needs something from the faith finds a thread of it different than the next person. Ironically, there is a standard question Christians ask each other, "What is your favorite scripture?" Since there are many different answers we have to believe the faith acts as therapy, each person finding his own handle to get through the day. 

Is there scripture to justify this modern version of Christianity? No doubt there is. There is scripture to justify everything. 


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