Prosecute Women Who Seek Abortions and See What Happens

There is still a significant part of the Forced Birth group who thinks the way to stop abortions is by prosecuting women who get them. Their view is that Christians who do not want to prosecute women, and, of course, all employees to abortion clinics, simply do not take "sin" seriously. If all Christian took sin seriously laws would be passed penalizing, and thereby stopping, sin.

The link quotes a good summary of how the pregnant woman seeking an abortion sees herself and her circumstances. She is not someone sitting around lamenting her pregnancy and feeling sad and guilty. Instead, she is like a trapped animal, pacing and looking for an escape. She sees herself as having no alternative but to escape and will keep pacing and looking until she finds one.

I will say this for those who want to prosecute women who seek or get abortions, they recognize where the decision lies. It is ridiculous to prosecute abortion providers. 

Even though this group of Forced Birthers recognizes it is the woman who is responsible they have not figured out how to stop women from obtaining abortions. I've discussed here before that we know there was a huge number of abortions performed every year before the protections Roe made abortion available. The Chicago group, Jane, did 10,000 illegal abortions under the nose of Chicago Police. They knew of many others offering abortions in Chicago at high prices. It was widely known that placing a foreign object in a woman's female organs would cause an infection. The infection would expel the fetus. The woman would then go to a doctor for treatment of the infection and hope she recovered.

The pregnant women, then, is the decision maker. But, she is also a player in the disagreement who has more information, more at stake and more resolve to succeed than does law enforcement. Women in areas where abortion is prohibited always have defeated those who think they can stop abortions. Many of them die, but most succeed. 

Alcohol use was seen by some as an evil. The self-righteousness of the cause and enthusiasm of those who wanted and succeeded in outlawing most alcohol consumption surely is equal to those who today want to outlaw abortion. But all the self-righteousness and enthusiasm ultimately did not dent alcohol use. Production, distribution and sale of alcohol was easily done under the table. Abortion is exactly like that. Prohibition failed, so will Forced Birth. 


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