Forced Birth Fans, Try to Remember the Good Old Days
"If we can get Roe overturned it will be all downhill. We'll make one state at a time Forced Birth. Eventually we will have all 50 states. Overturning Roe will start the ball rolling." Now, discussion is about how to keep from losing all control over abortion.
Forced Birth fans should reminisce about past days when they were influential enough to pass laws in state legislatures that harassed women getting abortions. Even though the laws had nothing whatsoever to do with women's health, state legislatures passed laws requiring women look at ultra sounds and slide presentations that included false information. These went to the Supreme Court and were upheld. Forced Birth was more powerful then. Today when women are forcing public votes on abortion rights Forced Birth spends lots of money then is defeated.
Trump mentioned the other day that a ban on abortions after 15 weeks seemed about right. It was treated as an ad lib or off the cuff remark. Forced Birth operatives were angry because they want Trump and Republicans to go all out for a total abortion ban. It is now apparent the 15-week endorsement was not a casual stream of conscience remark but one that has been discussed at length among Republican lawmakers. Today several endorsed the 15-week number.
The unwritten law inside the Republican Party is that everyone is required to fall in line. All people in the Republican sphere, including devout Catholics and Baptists who claim a human being arrives when the one-cell egg is fertilized, now have to say, "Yes, murdering babies is OK up until they are 15 weeks old." They were not forced to say this back in the Good Old Days. They could pretend that one day there would be no abortions. Now, they have to admit abortions will continue and occur much later than the "six weeks" they have been promoting.
Many of us who write about abortion rights warned long ago that the majority of voters favor abortion rights. Before Roe was overturned we said a.) abortions will continue at their present rate even if laws against it are passed and b.) the majority has the ability to will its power over the minority when its moral case is strong.
These two warnings were ignored and now we are going to enjoy abortion rights across most, if not ultimately all, of the U.S.
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