Even This Supreme Court has Limits On Stupid Right Wing Arguments
The internet is alive with speculation on Supreme Court Justices' comments to the anti-abortion lawyers. It could be the conservative members wanted to help anti-abortion, but the anti-abortion case was so far-fetched court watchers thought the judges wanted to toss them out. Of course, with this whacko Supreme Court majority even the most absurd religious right case may be a winner.
From what I could gather, the argument from some Forced Birth doctors went like this: "We Forced Birth doctors do not want to find ourselves in a situation where a woman arrives next to death and we are forced to do an abortion that is against our religion. This situation could happen through widespread use of the drug that causes abortions, mifepristone. It is being used at home by millions of women. While it is used almost completely without problems, some problem could come up. If a problem came up, a woman might be sent to one of us. If we had to save the woman's life by doing an abortion it would violate our religious rights. Therefore, we a demanding the drug mifepristone by banned in the U.S."
According to those who listened to the proceedings, more than one judge wondered this case ever received standing to proceed. I don't understand that either. Except, there are Forced Birth judges looking for reasons to rule against abortion and will take any case no matter how phony.
Judges also asked why any doctor who claimed a religious problem with abortion would not already have made arrangements to have other doctors without this religious hangup take their abortion cases? I gathered there was not a good answer to that question.
You have to wonder if the Forced Birth judges learned something from their experience overturning Roe. One wrote at the time returning the issue to states will end the need for the Supreme Court to be involved in the abortion issue. What a joke that was, here is abortion again. My guess is that returning the issue to states will generate more, not fewer, court cases.
The comments I read led to the conclusion today's court comments was not a good day for Forced Birth.
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