Big Question: Why Does Jesus Allow Believers to Suffer

This must be one of the biggest questions in all of Christianity. Countless atheists say there can be no being with the characteristics of Jesus or God, all powerful and all loving, if the being allows billions to suffer. Every devout Christian will have an answer, many similar to the famous preacher who provided his recently. 

The link author, a preacher, lost an adult child. He felt angry at times that Jesus had allowed him to suffer this misery. Then came the usual "understanding": Jesus was there to help him with his grief. That is the canned Christian answer to why Jesus allows tragedy, he is there is help in the aftermath. If you believe this nonsense you are being taken for your time and money. Here's why.

Both atheists and Christians have tragedies, as well as Buddhists, Hindus and Pagans. Do Christians get through these tragedies but the others do not? They all deal with the tragedies. The ones with made up spiritual beings use them, the ones without just get through it using whatever means they have. None has been proven beyond a doubt better than the others. The Jesus/God team is no better than no team.

The next time there is a school shooting a local pastor will be on the screen saying, "God will help up through this." Doubters will be saying under their breath (because it's impolite to say it out loud), "If God loves us and is all powerful, why did he allow it to happen? Makes you think there really is no God."

What a helpful, but revolutionary, thing it would be if TV and newspaper reporters challenged preachers/priests/laity who claim God will help grieving people deal with tragedies by asking why it is believed help is there, "Has it been proven those with faith suffer less in tragedies than those without faith?" The phrase "prayers" has been replaced with "thoughts and prayers." "Thoughts and prayers" is ridiculed by liberals in the press. Maybe "prayers" will be dropped eventually.

As I write this, a huge part of the State of Texas is burning with wildfires. Recently, Texas passed a draconian anti-abortion law. Do any Christians in Texas think God is angry at them for being so cruel to women? God IS all powerful (so the Bible says).  


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