Another Anti-Gay Catholic Priest is Gay

If the Catholic Church would tone down its claim about being a "moral authority" and just admit it is another business trying to survive in the competitive capitalistic world this would help offset its failings. Of course, it cannot do this because it exists to make claims about its superiority. Within its huge number of employees are the normal number of gays and trans. What's different is that God is supposed to choose those men. Why would God choose men to condemn homosexuality as sin when they, themselves, are practicing homosexuals? 

The link is about a conservative religious publication that was just shut down. Several years ago its main priest was found to be a practicing gay man. He "renounced" his attraction to men and became a railing anti-gay priest. This is a pattern repeated in both the conservative branches of Catholicism and Protestantism. Especially in Protestantism we have religious "treatment" places. What records there are show they are uniformly unsuccessful at changing gay men to straight men. A common experience is leaders in such places eventually return to the gay life.

Our anti-gay priest hero in the link got himself into trouble recently by sending around pictures of himself shirtless. He didn't do this because it was too warm. It's winter.

The sad fact is there are people, especially men, who are drawn into religion because they think it will remove their same sex attraction. I've heard this from individuals and gay men who write about their lives. It is often repeated that Catholic seminaries have disproportionately high percentages of gay men. Probably there is no way to confirm that this is true. I have on my shelf a box about nuns who are lesbian. One woman said that as a child she always felt happy and confident among women. When she learned about the women-centered lives of nuns she knew that was for her. Later she came to realize she is sexually attracted to women. 

As I understand Christianity, clergy, Protestant and Catholic, are men (and women) whose job it is to serve their constituencies. Clergy give people a place to go on Sunday, marry couples and bury the dead. All of these services and meaningful and helpful to the faithful. But somewhere, sin became the driving issue. Clergy can sin, but not this one particular sin. This, of course comes, not from Christianity, but from a cultural bias against homosexuality.



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