Large Volume of Abortion Pills Are Hidden in Anti-Abortion States

Several months before Roe was overturned there was publicity it was coming. Women in conservative states began buying abortion pills just in case they needed them. Pill providers have confirmed this. 

Like every effort we know of to outlaw abortions, those stockpiling the pills were not poor black women. They were women who knew how to do this and had some money to carry it out. This pattern of poor women being forced to give birth while women with connections and means escape happens whenever forced birth whackos get their laws passed.

Regulation of behaviors or substances comes down to economics. Well, I should add voluntary cooperation. Let's review some experiences with banning stuff.

Prohibition was a doozie. There could not have been more enthusiasm to outlaw booze. Yes, there were some cozy exemptions. Wine was OK in churches. They bought and sold like bars. While states could legislate their own restrictions, it was common to allow people to make alcoholic beverages for their own use. This latter opened the door to an underground economy. There is some evidence alcoholic consumption declined, other evidence it did not. As with underground abortions and abortion pills, data is mostly hidden. 

Prohibition failed. Let's move to another one, "the war on drugs." Our prisons are full of people convicted of drug offenses. Yet, there seems little evidence it has curtained drug use. The war on drugs was a popular political deal with both Republicans and Democrats. Huge numbers of law enforcement lives have been lost and billions of taxpayer dollars. Slowly, many of these sinful drugs are being legalized. The sooner the better. I think it's safe to say if most of the public had supported both prohibition and the war on drugs both would have been successful.

Being a life-long bicyclist, I always saw street/highway politics differently. Deaths in car crashes has started up again. These deaths are not necessary. The majority could be prevented by slower speeds and better driving. When I used to argue for this as a Mayor, the Polic and traffic engineering would argue the public wants to drive faster so lets raise, not lower, speed limits. The speed limits went up, more people died and most think it is a reasonable tradeoff. 

With abortion pills, forced birth operatives are happy with the status quo. They claim they are fighting the sale of pills but are doing little to nothing. Putting up a good front still pays.  


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