Forced Birth PR Drives More Abortions
Because I spent decades in the news being interviewed and commented on by others, I developed in interest in how the daily news affects what people think and do. I noticed it first when news articles would appear about our local city buses. Mostly, there was no news about them, they are so boring, News would happen when a city politician wanted to cut funding or a bus had an accident. Ridership would go up. Even bad news would cause ridership would go up.
Later I learned that when a liberal politician is elected money flows to his/her enemies. Campaigns and causes supported by conservatives become awash with money. The same thing happens when a conservative beats a liberal.
It was not surprising then to read that when it was rumored Roe was about to be overturned the volume of abortion pills flowing into the U.S. from Europe rose dramatically. Women began stockpiling the pills in case they became pregnant in the future. Forced birth operatives need publicity to generate donations. They need to sell the message, "We're working to stop abortions. Send us money." Their press releases, however, keep abortion in front of the public. When a woman is surprised by a pregnancy, she is reminded there is an option out there, abortion.
The great thing for those of us who support women's rights are all the statewide votes that have already secured rights to abortion, six of them, and the several now in preparation. In one state abortion rights supporters just filed the necessary signatures for a state-wide vote. All of these state votes will keep abortion in the news for some years to come. If history is a guide, the abortion rights measures will pass and then forced birth groups will start their own petition drives and keep abortion in the news. Forced birth operatives have never been the brightest porch lights on the block.
We have to remember forced birth politics employs a lot of people. It's logical to expect them to put their own interests about that of their "cause." To keep the donation faucets flowing they need to be in the news pretending to accomplish something. This is a win-win. It helps the forced birth employees and helps advertise the availability of abortions.
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