Two Billion People Believe They will Lose Their Homes from Climate Change
A world-wide survey found people are very aware of the severe consequences ahead of them. Two billion believe they will be forced to relocate during the next 25 years. These people are not scientists and how many actually will relocate is not precise. Scientists do agree the number relocating, including crossing borders, will be huge.
While I may be wrong, it seems like the border crossing dilemma now taking places in the Southwest U.S. is a prelude to the coming climate change impact. So far, it has been mostly impossible to stop border crossings into this country. There is not universal agreement on whether the U.S. should stop border crossings or merely record and track all those who cross. There are business interests in allowing immigration, firms need employees.
As I understand the climate dilemma, there will be two sets of people on the move to somewhere else. One group live near the world's oceans. Melting polar ice will raise sea levels and they will move somewhere else. The others are those in the many places that will have drought or catastrophic rainfall. It seems inevitable to me many of both, I assume many millions, will cross borders into other countries. Right now, migrating people are moving through Mexico and across our SW border into the U.S.
Is it possible to have an army large enough to stop these crossings? It may be possible but out of reach as a practical matter. To me it seems like channeling people into huge refugee facilities and slowly resettling them in this or other countries is the only solution.
I've mentioned this countless times, religions, including Christianity, which have championed more births is at the root cause of this calamity. Rising populations have contributed to the carbon problem and now are the cause of so many who will move to find food and water.
Exacerbating the problem are climate change deniers. Locally, a TV meteorologist used the term "global warming" a few times. He and his family were harassed and threatened. He took a job elsewhere.
If the public is correct, and two billion people are forced to move, the entire world is headed for a rocky period.
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