The Jews Were Lied To by Religious Leaders; An Ungovernable West Bank/Gaza
Thinking back in the history of what are called the Jewish People and considering the unsolvable dilemma of present-day Israel, it seems there is no other source of blame except religion.
Sometime back in antiquity, someone came up with the idea there is only one god, called God, and convinced an ethnic group later called the Jews this was the truth. To further gain political influence over this group it was told a leader from the far away past who was better for them than any current authorities, a guy named David, who would return and whatever their current troubles they would all be swept away.
Apparently, ancient Jews were a gullible lot. They believed both of these lies. I suppose they kept on giving money to those who lied to them.
Another whopper, one that makes their lives difficult to this day, was that the fictitious God promised them a piece of land. This land was located in the Middle east. They started reminding themselves of that false promise when they were persecuted and killed in Germany. Since there was no God it stands to reason there was never a promise of land anywhere by anyone. There were many other lies not relevant to the topic today including slavery in Egypt, Moses parting water, Moses receiving the Ten Commandments from God, 40 years in the desert living on bread God dropped on them each day and the Battle of Jericho.
The two lies that are most relevant today are that there was a God and he gave them the land now called Israel. It drove events after World War II. Jews from all over the world moved into an Arab and Muslim area. Somehow, the idea was sold to the Western World that the Jews really did have some legitimate claim to that part of the world. The Palestinians who lived there had little to no right to stay from the Jewish point of view.
Of course, countries have invaded other countries since forever. A few million Indians lived in the land now called the U.S. before Europeans wrongfully took it by force. It is said the main motivation of those who landed on Plymouth Rock was making money, not what is usually said, religious freedom.
Mostly conquerors and the conquered live on in an uneasy relationship. Truth telling surely must be helpful in ending bloodshed. IMHO, Israelis could begin a better relationship be admitting they had no right to the land now called Israel. They could add they have no intention of leaving. Truth telling could not make the relationships worse and might help at least a bit.
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