Some Christians Think they Should Destry Idols
It all started with Moses. We all know the fictitious story of the angry Moses accusing his followers of worshipping idols. Now we have latter day followers of Moses destroying a depiction of Satan in the Capital of Iowa. Other Christians instantly sent over $70,000 for his legal defense--probably many time that amount by now. The Moses story is whacko. So is the current vandal.
How many ordinary objects are there that seem like idols. Pictures of the fetus were an early part of forced birth operatives. Protestors at clinics carried the pictures, allegedly of fetuses, on sticks with the message the pictures were of "human beings." Pictures of rabbits before born look the same. Millions of post cards with a picture of what looked to be a baby in a garbage can were mailed to public officials like me. Every professional in the field said the picture was not an unborn fetus. Yet, worshipping this idol continued.
There is the cross--sure seems like it is worshipped. Could it be another idol? Then, there are pictures of Mary. An aside, I saw a comment on a Christian site recently saying many Protestants do not understand "the virgin birth" was not about Mary but about Mary's mother. Maybe we should have a little contest to see who can predict the year the virgin birth will be about Mary's grandmother.
I don't know when a symbol used in a ritual becomes an idol. If there really were followers of Moses who made objects out of gold could it be there were merely making objects used in rituals?
That a Christian whacko destroyed a paper depiction of Satan is an indication of how far from reality some Christians have come. If the paper Satan has become a real being someone needs help. From the common Christian perspective, the only people who have mental problems are those who do not believe in the tenets of Christianity. They have some mental flaw, the "hardened heart." I hope all who believe come to recognize it is they who have been taken in by hucksters.
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