Politicking Against Woke; Where Ron DeSantis Goes to Die

When DeSantis started his campaign, every other word, it seemed, was "woke." As Trump noted, people don't know what the word means. It reflected the fact that DeSantis is in over his head when he tries to be a Presidential Candidate. 

When DeSantis said, "Florida is where woke goes to die" he meant, as I understand it, children in Florida public schools would not learn about the wrongs of slavery or racial segregation. Nor would children who are certain they were assigned the wrong gender at birth be allowed to self identify as the gender find themselves to be. The complications of "anti woke" were even felt in universities in Florida. 

DeSantis thought the religious right would flock to him. It turns out Trump voters do not care that much about religion. Trump was strongest in lower-middle-income groups and rural areas. This demographic is declining in church attendance and membership faster than many others. The have their grievances but its not sin. That's why they support Trump. Their grievances are not "woke." DeSantis is sliding out of the race.  

When it rains on DeSantis, it pours. This week the Pope decided this woke thing, gay marriage, is not so terrible. Priests can bless such marriages which had been considered grave sins by the Vatican. A priest on NPR this morning said this blessing on blessings came after some reshuffling inside the Vatican. Out was the head a committee making such rulings who was conservative. In was a new head who is tight with the Pope and his thinking. DeSantis, a Catholic, had to be blind-sided by that one.

Discussed everywhere was DeSantis' late night, out-of-sight signing of a draconian anti abortion bill. In the middle of that signing period, our local Governor, Kim Reynolds, thought it would be cute to sign on to the DeSantis campaign. Reynolds talks against abortion often. She is now polls among the half dozen or so most disliked governors in the U.S. She made a big mistake endorsing Desantis.

Hubert Humphrey once said, "You can't talk down to voters." When DeSantis lectures against woke that is what he is doing. 


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