It's Hard to Let Go of Gender Stereotypes
The Bible was written by men. It portrays men as having certain roles to play in society, women an entirely different role. Women were to be property; men were to run things. Catholics, some Lutherans and some Baptists, preach that because Jesus' bros were all men, woman were not to be preachers and not stand in front of men as leaders of them. The tiny slice of society that was literate at the time the Bible was written was, no doubt, made up mostly of very wealthy men. Once male clergy were in power they did not let go. They hold on to this day.
Evidence is emerging that in ancient times, women held power over men. The notion that God made the world with men in a superior leadership positions over women is B.S. Looking at a Lutheran site I follow I've seen clergy say over and over, "God made the world with order." Those men are referring, among other things, to gender roles they themselves prefer.
A burial chamber was uncovered a few years ago in Spain. The site was dated at 5,000 years old. Several honorary objects were included in the burial site indicating the power and political and perhaps religious authority of the dead person. A very ornate dagger was included implying the dead person was a heroic military leader. Science of the time designated the corpse a male.
Now, new science involving the DNA of enamel on teeth. This changed to gender of the corpse. It is the corpse of a female. The military, political and perhaps religious leader was a woman. Another corpse of a leader, a Viking, was found in Norway. That too, was first thought to be a male and now has been determined to be female.
This "order" found in conservative Christian denominations, males only can be clergy, has always been suspicious because it was declared the "truth" by powerful men. Now we are learning that centuries before the Old and New Testaments were written, and altered by scribes over time, women held positions over men. "God" did not create the "order" powerful men choose to prefer.
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