How Many Teenage Women Buy into the Old Christian Stereotype

On a conservative Christian site is an article written by a woman who calls herself a female abolitionist. While she was in a marriage with a cheating husband, she read books on how to be a good Christian wife. The wife always to be gentle and passive. The sections of these books that discussed husbands said the male was to be decisive and driven by facts not feelings. The author found herself in the husband category.  

The Christian right stereotype of woman is the passive helpful woman who always defers to her husband. A stereotype of man is as mentioned above unfeeling and decisive. Today there are books and speaker for hire to tell you why these old and outmoded models must be brought back. The view is society has blurred the difference between the genders and this is a catastrophic development.

Stereotypes of men and women plays directly into animosity toward gender change, also called trans. If humans are born either male female and the stereotypes of either have been spelled out trans does not fit in anywhere. Christianity would be well served to leave questions about gender to be answered by someone else. Dabbling in gender issues is going into a subject matter very complicated and far above the heads of professional theologians.

The sentence, "God made only men and women" has two problems. First, there is no God so far as we know. Second, babies are born every day with physical attributes of both male and female. If there is a God, it is not very good at making only men or only women. It makes some babies both. Add to this the thousands who to both with organs of one gender but are certain they are the other gender. The best thing for Christianity is to throw up its hands and say it has nothing to say about this issue. 

I know Christianity will not turn away from this issue because a broad swath of the faith enjoys passing judgement on this and a host of other issues.

I amuse myself some days by watching pod casts that come from a conservative branch of Lutheranism. Pastors from this faith often say, "God made an orderly world." From what I can tell, this is code language condemning homosexuality and trans. The basic problem with the sentence is the world is not and never has been "orderly." Today, women especially are breaking away from Christianity in even larger numbers than men. It's goodbye whacko city. 


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